Cary/Apex WTF Ozone Systems Updates
The Town of Cary employed HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) to design the project. State Utility’s scope of work for this project consisted of the demolition of older generators and pipes and the installation of three (3) new Ozone Generators and associated piping. The goal of this project was to improve the overall reliability as well as efficiency of the ozone generation system at the plant. State Utility received a Carolinas AGC Pinnacle Award for our team’s ability to construct the project safely, efficiently, on time and within budgetary constraints.
$2.8 Million
Contract Bid – $2.8 Million
Contract VE Value – $2.8 Million
Contract Duration – 14 months
Completion – February 2022
Engineer – HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas